I am finally getting to a place in my life where I think relaunching my weblog makes sense. I am not sure of the direction that this weblog will take, nor to I know if regular updates will be made, but I am looking forward to providing a glimpse into some of my experiences as I continue on my journey.
A little background, I am a Data Center Technical Solutions Architect for Cisco Systems supporting Enterprise customers in the Pittsburgh, PA and Cleveland, OH areas. As of late my focus has been around cloud enabling technologies like Kubernetes and Google Computing Platform as well as a a focus on learning GoLang. Most of this is the genesis of this weblog.
Full disclosure, there have been a few past attempts at writing a weblog. Upon self reflection, I realized they stalled because I had not committed to a purpose. My purpose here is to spread knowledge. In my professional career, I am fortunate enough to have experienced a plethora of challenges. Many of these I look back at and wish that I had been more diligent in capturing the moment for others to read about and perhaps learn from. It is that self reflection that has lead me to this point as I continue to evolve both professionally and personally.
I will not go into much detail around my personal life safe to say I am the proud father of 5 wonderful children and husband to a beautiful and completely supportive wife. While I intend to focus on documenting my journey as I expand my knowledge, I will probably throw in a few “proud papa” moments.
With all of that, I hope that over the time as this weblog evolves that I am able to provide you something useful, entertaining, or thought provoking. At the very least it should provide you some method to pass the time.
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