Cisco DC SEVT and CCP

Finally, I am able to provide an update into some of the work that I have been doing in preparing for the Cisco DC SEVT. If you are not familiar with what the VT is let me explain. Twice a year, usually in May and in Novermber, Cisco brings together the technology specialists from the various desciplines (Data Center, Security, Enterprise Networking, Collaboration) for a week each in sunny San Jose. There, we are provided with a glimpse into what the BU is working on and we get to interact with our colleagues over a few evenings of dinner and drinks. It is also an opportunity for individuals to provide content sessions on various topics that they may have been focused on.

As a result of these content sessions, I have been given an opportunity to present two - ninety minute “Learn and Do” sessions on Cisco Container Platform and Kubernetes. I am finalyzing most of the content and I am hoping to get it posted and added to this site within the next week or so. I may have to cut some items out as there is some content that is NDA, but I should be able to post the bulk of it.

That is it for now. more to come in the next few days/weeks as the VT gets closer.

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